
Elite Metal Dice of the Elvenkind - 7 and 11 Piece Sets

Created by Easy Roller Dice Company

A new series of high-end, precision CNC aluminum dice featuring unique color blends and our hand-drawn, brand new Elvenkind font.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Stretch Goals Are Now Open!
over 4 years ago – Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 04:44:09 PM

Hey all!  We'll make this update short and sweet.  We've been in the background here working on new stretch goals and here is what we have so far based on your feedback.  

Stretch Goal #1:  Dice Cups With Our Elven Dagger Art!

We are hoping to make the interior of each cup match the outside art.  However, if we cannot, we'll make the entire a charcoal or black.  But, we are hoping to make it all match.

Stretch Goal #2: Prism Sets!

We hope you love these!  This is just the beginning of our new stretch goals.  We are also working on potentially releasing 1-2 more color options based on some of our backer feedback we received.  Plus, we are hard at work on potentially releasing a new font as well.  If we do, we'll go with our Signature Font  as it shows up well on a dice face.

Here is a look at the font:

This font option would be optional and our main font is still the Elven font.  We just want to open up an additional option for those who want these dice without the Elven art.

We are determining how these will look now and where/when we can make them unlock.  Have friends who would love this campaign?  Send them over!  Every dollar we raise helps us make this campaign even better.

So, stay tuned for more updates soon!

Thank you!

New Stretch Goals In the Works & More!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 11:53:02 PM

Hey all!  We just wanted to drop a quick line in here to let you know that we've hit all of our initial stretch goals!  Thank you for the support and thank you for making this possible.

So here's what we are up to now.  We are hard at work on designing new stretch goal ideas for you all.

We are drawing up some art and we think you're going to love what we have coming.

So here are some ideas we are bouncing around.

Matching dagger themed dice cups or dice trays to match the leather lite dice cases as an add-on.  We were thinking of making it available in the same color options as the cases including the rainbow case.

Next, we are thinking of allowing a randomized set.  So instead of getting a set that was all one color, some dice might be another color etc.  This would be an option open to the public if we could hit the goal.

Another option is to open another color option.  Though we don't have any demos created we could potentially do a set of teal/Black as a new option.  We could easily design a mock up to show you all soon.

Finally, we are potentially thinking of unlocking another font as an option.  I.e. if you didn't want the Elven Art you could opt for a more "normal" font.  

What are your thoughts?  Do you like any of those ideas above?  Is there anything you'd like to see?  Help us shape this Kickstarter into your vision!  

Thanks again and we'll have more ideas coming soon!  By the way, make sure you share this campaign with your friends.  The more you get the word out, the more stretch goals we can add etc.

We Did It! Thank You!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 06:44:56 PM

We hope you're all doing well out there!  Thank you for jumping on board and bringing this project to life quickly!  Our goal is to not stop here.  We want to crush through these stretch goals and then perhaps create some new stretch goals as well.  

So now is the time to let us know what type of additional future stretch goals you'd like to see.  It can be anything and there is no such thing as a terrible idea.  So share away if there are things you'd like to see here and we'll see if we can make them happen!  We basically want your ideas!!

Also, if you like to follow along with the progress on kicktraq, please do here:

Thanks again!  And we'll be back with another update soon!

Michael @ Easy Roller Dice